WordPress SEO Report 101
That Perfect WordPress for a blogger
Any blogger wants a good WordPress optimized for SEO, Google, shareable, and well organized. Now, for the one building the website, there are quite a few considerations to take into account when setting it up and running.
That’s what I wanted to write about.
SEO Checklist
Unless I’m mistaken, SEO is normally the last step in aWordPress development process but I believe it’s a fatal mistake. I’m not sure. So I’ve decided to make a checklist that I hope this can be used as a map for other WordPress developers to contribute and upgrade on it. Now, for the plugins / themes / extensions and all that, I prefer to write it down in comments.
The main elements of the page
I’m delving into the main elements of the page, namely the header / main / footer, which are those elements are important for the blogger. The rest doesn’t really count for him/her.
Bloggers just want to write.
The rest should be taken care by someone else :)
Adwords / SEO / Social sharing. That’s ‘etc…’ for them.
Some might not agree, but it’s a good thing when you think about it. Writers get to center their focus entirely on the content.
I even created a facebook page to help myself in all this, this spaghetti, which will serve as a reference for myself. I named it Brigade Cuisine lol!
The header element
The header element/tag should normally contain the logo and the menu. The menu will contain its elements, social icons, and language switching (for multilingual posts)
The main element
The main element, the core container of the page, will be classified, by order of appearance:
- Accessibility: the breadcrumb
The heart of the main element comes here, here’s where the writer comes into play.
- Title: the post title
- Abstract: the abstract of the post category
- Featured image: the image of the post
- Excerpt: The post excerpt
- Description: The post description
- The social area: like, share, comments are too heavy for SEO purposes
- Table of contents: the other posts of the category in question, list format
- Sources / References: URLs of your inspirations wrt the post
The footer element
The footer element will contain the following:
- The networks, e.g Facebook / Twitter / etc…
- The sitemap
- Donate / Hire / some form of global Call to Action
- Any standard footer element (all rights reserved / made by X / copyright..)
Thanks for taking your time to read this. I’m still working on another report which I can use for myself. I’ll probably call it the 102 report :)